Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2014

The one that I got caught..

So hello everyone ! I'm gonna change the style of my blog and I'm gonna make it something like a ''Diary''
and beauty blog of course:)

Well I'm Maria I'm 15 and I live in Greece in a small town !I'm a normal teenager that is addicted in boybands,tumblr,pizza,anddd  I just started my youtube channel I'll leave it below and If you wanna check it (Definetely do:*)
As every teenage girl I have dreams,setbacks,my ups,my downs, and ofc my struggles!I LOVE fashion,like fashion is my passion.And I have many fashion icons like Kylie Jenner,Vannesa Hudgens etc.My style is edgy/hipstery/girly.It depends on how I feel each day.Many people had called me "Fashion Iconn"

And I'm like "Whhaaaaaaat?" You didn't. but that made me so happy,cause I pay enough attention for my style

In addition you have to know about me that I am a fangirl!This is an another big issue.
I belong to many fandoms! I'm Directioner,5sosFam,Mixer,Janoskianator!
I chose to being a fangirl cause it takes to another world.My world..which is perfect for me..me and music

You know how important is music for a teenager.
I'll make another blog post and I'll talk you abt 1D etc x
Well I have aaaaa looot of dreams.I could call myself a Dreamgirl.Yes definetely!
In my free time I sing.People tell me that I have beautiful voice.But you know ourselves are always likee..<<Hmmmmm nahhhh>>
Yes one of my dreams is to be a singer!May I'll go to <<The Voice>> this year.Idk whateverr
I'm taking lessons.This will impove my voice of course and I could be more confidencee.
"She's confidencee ohh nahh ooh nahh.."Justin Bieber in an another issue again.

And don't forgettttt guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
                            TWITTER:@StymmingsMaria (Follow back!)

Here is a pic of me :)


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